Making quick decisions is often based on
a process of learning by action. The learning-by-action mode is adopted when
uncertainty (missing information) is coupled with an increased demand
for speed, which in turn brings about a greater degree of scarcity of attention.
The following hedge-clipping metaphor,
often cited in the literature, illustrates how several cycles of learning by
action are employed to cope satisfactorily with missing information, speed, and
scarcity of attention.
“The example we shall take is that of a
householder facing the ‘problem’ of an overgrown hedge. The central point of
this example is that analytic solutions appear highly complex (and possibly
only approximate), while a ‘nibbling’ or incremental solution is available,
easy, and satisfactory. That is, we emphasize the fact that the final position
of a cut branch is a rather complex function of the physical characteristics of
the shrub, of the adjoining shrubs, and of the place at which the cut is made.
An analytic solution of the problem of where to cut each branch thus requires
both extensive well-developed theory (of the cantilever properties of cut
branches and of interactions with adjacent cut branches) and extensive data
collection (exact dimensions of each branch). In contrast, a strategy of
repeated clipping and inspecting requires no such knowledge and rapidly
converges on a solution which may be adjusted to any desired degree of fit to
the intended solution -- a neatly clipped hedge. Hedge-clipping, then provides
a clear example of a decision problem for which a highly reflective strategy is
much less satisfactory than a highly active one.” [1]
Thus, when speed is of the
essence and time constraints are paramount, the continuous “nibbling” approach
offers two advantages:
No demand either for deep problem understanding
or extensive data collection and analysis.
Hugely reduced cognitive demands on the
The hedge-clipping strategy suggested is
an example of the “act first, think later” approach. In this case, action is an
uncertainty-reducing device as well as a solution to the problem.[2] Often,
uncertainty can be reduced substantially after a few “nibbles.” Once those few
iterations of small actions are carried out, uncertainty is reduced to the
point where sufficient feedback is collected, allowing the rest of the task to
continue with a “think first, act later” approach (that is, a return to the
project plan).
The hedge-clipper is relying heavily on
his intuition. Gary Klein, who studied decision making for many years, opens
his 2003 book on Intuition at Work with the following story:
"Almost two decades ago, I conducted my first research project on decision
making, studying firefighters to see how they could make high-risk decisions in
just a few seconds despite all the confusion and uncertainty inherent in their
work. I knew that the firefighters
wouldn’t make their decisions by systematically comparing all of the possible
ways to put out a fire because there wasn’t enough time. I expected that they
would only come up with two leading options and compare these to each other. I
was wrong. The firefighters, especially the more experienced ones, some with
over twenty years of experience, usually just considered a single option. In
fact, to hear them describe it, they didn’t really consider anything; they just
According to Klein, people can make
decisions rapidly without conscious awareness or effort as an outcome of their
experience. Thus, intuition
can be seen as a natural and direct outgrowth of experience. Klein
defines intuition as the way we translate our experience into action, as
exemplified by the firefighters: “In our interviews with the firefighters, one
of the most common statements my research team and I heard was, ‘We don’t make
decisions.’ This amazed us because we watched them routinely making very
challenging decisions, many with life-or-death implications—and yet they were
unaware they were doing it… Our research led us to the conclusion that we are all
intuitive decision makers.” [4]
In his article, How to Think with
Your Gut, Thomas Stewart reported that: “Today the [U.S. Marine] Corps’s
official doctrine reads, ‘The intuitive approach is more appropriate for the
vast majority of… decisions made in the
fluid, rapidly changing conditions of war when time and uncertainty are
critical factors, and creativity is a desirable trait.’ Conditions, in other
words, not unlike those in which many business decisions are made today.” [5]
Back in 1984, when Daniel Isenberg
studied managers and executives to see how they solved problems and made
decisions, he concluded that executives do not make formal decisions using
analytical methods: “Senior managers use intuition in at least five ways.
First, they intuitively sense when a problem exists
Second, managers rely on intuition to perform
well-learned behavior patterns rapidly
The third function of intuition is to synthesize
isolated bits of data and experience into an integrated picture
Fourth, some mangers use intuition as a check… on the
results of more rational analysis
Fifth, managers can use intuition to bypass in-depth
analysis and move rapidly to come up with a plausible solution
Intuition is not the opposite of
rationality, nor is it a random process of guessing. Rather, it is based on
extensive experience, both in analysis and problem solving and in
implementation, and to the
extent that the lessons of experience are logical and well founded, then so is
the intuition.”[6]
In order to make quick decisions, to Act
with Agility, one must accumulate extensive experience.[7] Klein
argues that: “There are ways of building a person’s experience base. Experience
can be codified as stories and analogues.” Thus, being exposed to a large
variety of stories (for example like those presented in this book) can
partially compensate for lack of actual experience.[8]
To lead well requires a leader to
synthesize lessons learned from experience, intuitive action, and reflection on
stories, such as the ones we share in this blog. In addition to the stories
shared on this blog, project leaders may be interested in reading the book, Breaking the Code of Project Management,
by A. Laufer (New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan, 2009).
[1] This
hedge-clipping metaphor is from T. Connolly and G. Wolf. 1981.
Deciding on Decision Strategies: Towards an Enriched Contingency Model. Proceedings
of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA: 181-85.
[2] H. Mintzberg argues that there are times
when thought should precede action and guide it. Other times, however,
especially during or immediately after a major unexpected shift in the
environment, thought must be bound up with action in an interactive and
continuous process. Thus, Mintzberg concludes that: “‘learning’ becomes a
better label, and concept, for what happens then is
‘formulation-implementation.’” H. Mintzberg. 1990. The Design School: Reconsidering the Basic
Premises of Strategic Management. Strategic Management Journal 11:
171-95. Weick concluded that: “...we should pay more attention to simultaneity
of thought and action and less attention to sequence;” K.E. Weick. 1983. Managerial Thought in the Context of Action.
In The Executive Mind, eds. S. Srivastba and Associates, 242. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
[3] G. Klein.
2003. Intuition at Work. New York, NY: Doubleday-Currency, xv.
[4] G. Klein.
2003. Intuition at Work. New York, NY: Doubleday-Currency, xv-xvi.
[5] T. Stewart. 2002. How to Think with Your Gut. Business
2.0, (November): 98-104.
[6] Daniel Isenberg says: “One implication of
acting/thinking cycles is that action is often part of defining the problem,
not just implementing the solution.” See
D.J. Isenberg. 1984. How Senior Managers Think. Harvard Business Review
62, (November-December): 80-90.
[7] Indeed, the
experience level of the ten on-site construction project managers was high—the
mean experience accumulated as project managers was 15 years, and the mean
overall experience on the construction site was 21 years. Edward de Bono argues
that: “An expert is someone who has succeeded in making decisions and judgments
simpler through knowing what to pay attention to and what to ignore.” E. de Bono. 1998. Simplicity. London, UK: Viking, 22.
[8] G. Klein. 1998. Sources of Power: How
People Make Decisions. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 287. Stories were also
recommended as a tool for improving the ad hoc mode of Act with Agility, that
is, improvisation. Frank Barrett asks: “What practices and structures can we
implement that might emulate what happens when jazz bands improvise?” His first
suggestion is: “Boost the processing of information during and after actions
are implemented…” He concludes that
diverse stories can improve improvisation capabilities. F.J. Barret. 1998.
Creativity and Improvisation in Jazz and Organizations: Implications for
Organizational Learning. Organization Science 9, 5 (September-October):